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Shareholder Performance Agreements

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Shareholder Performance Agreements

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) will hold a ceremony where Hon. Matambo and seven (7) Chairpersons of Board of Directors of Parastatals reporting under the MFDP will be signing Shareholder Compacts (Shareholder Performance Agreements) on Tuesday 15 September 2015  at the Ministry Headquarters Conference room 3-01 Link Block 2nd Floor at 1430 hrs.

The said parastatals reporting under the Ministry are Public Enterprises Evaluation and Privatization Agency (PEEPA);Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB); Botswana Accountancy Oversight Authority (BAOA); Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS); Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA), Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVA) and Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA).

A Shareholder Compact is a performance agreement designed to enhance Shareholder oversight and governance through an effective relationship between the Shareholder and Board of a Parastatal. The Shareholder Compact, therefore, defines the executive role of the Shareholder over the Board and Parastatal and also informs the Board of the Shareholder’s objectives and expectations with regard to deliverables.   



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The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning will hold a Budget Pitso for General Stakeholders on the 11th September 2015. The event will be held at Pavilion, Fairground Holdings, Gaborone. There will be another Pitso for Local Authorities at the same place on the 14th September 2015. 

Matambo attends SADC Meetings in Harare

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The Minister of Finance and Development Planning attends the SADC Ministerial Task Force on Regional Economic Integration and Council of Ministers meetings which will take place in Harare from the 6th - 7th March 2015. The main purpose of the Ministerial Task Force meeting will be to review progress on implementing the Summit decision regarding the development of a Strategy and Roadmap for Industrialisation of the SADC Region.  

MFDP denies allegations of one per cent budget cut

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Rebuttal of Articles by the Sunday Standard of the 22-28, February 2015 and Mmegi Newspaper of 24th February, 2015

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning would like to categorically state that there is absolutely no truth in the reports that Cabinet or the Minister of Finance and Development Planning has made a decision to cut the budget by one per cent after it was approved by parliament or officially presented to Parliament.

The gravity of the allegations contained in the articles entitled: “Botswana faces legislative crisis following Cabinet budget goof” by Sunday Standard Newspaper of 22-28 February 2015, and “Matambo faces MPs on bungle” in the Mmegi Newspaper of the 24th February 2015, which were followed by a Parliamentary Question No. 339 by Honourable Dr P. Butale, MP (Gaborone Central),  are not only intended to cast aspersions on the integrity of the Government of Botswana in general, and the Ministry, in particular but are also meant to misled the public.

As the Honourable Minister of Finance and Development O.K. Matambo indicated in his statement to Parliament on the 24th February, 2015, neither “Cabinet nor the Minister of Finance and Development Planning directed that there should be a cut on the 2015/16 Government budget by one percent after it was approved by Parliament or officially presented to Parliament”. No alterations or changes were made either to the Draft Estimates of Expenditure from the Consolidated and Development Funds or the Appropriation (2015/2016) Bill, No. 1 of 2015 following their submission to Parliament.

With regard to the Savingram by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development addressed to Town Clerks and Council Secretaries, a meeting was convened by the Speaker and attended by concerned parties including Hon. Dr. P. Butale to discuss the matter.

In that meeting, the Permanent Secretary explained that his Savingram was an internal communication in which he was advising Town Clerks and Council Secretaries of decisions that had been taken by the Government during the process of preparing the budget, and not after the budget had been submitted to Parliament as alleged in the newspaper reports. The explanation provided by the Permanent Secretary was appreciated by all present at the meeting.

Subsequently, Honourable Minister Matambo presented a statement to Parliament on the 25th February 2015 to reconfirm the fact that the said Savingram, despite its date of 9th February 2015, was an internal communication to provide feedback to Local Authorities on the budget preparation process, before the Draft 2015/16 Estimates of Expenditure from the Consolidated and Development Funds was finalized and laid before the National Assembly on the 7th January 2015, and the presentation of the Appropriation (2015/2016) Bill, No. 1 of 2015 to the National Assembly on the 2nd February 2015.

It is not the habit of the Ministry to respond to every newspaper article pertaining to its operations. As a matter of fact, the Ministry believes in the role of the media to inform and educate the public on financial and economic issues, as this contributes towards the delivery of its mandate. However, we are compelled to react this time because of the gravity of the misinformation in the newspaper reports.

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