Macro Economic
Macroeconomic Policy Sub-Division
a) . Macroeconomic Policy Section
The Macroeconomic Policy Section provides advice and briefs on overall economic management and planning. The Section is mandated with the overall responsibility of coordinating the preparation of the National Development Plans and their Mid-Term Reviews, preparation of Annual Budget Speeches and preparation of economic reports. To facilitate prudent budgeting and planning, the Section also produces macroeconomic forecasts updated on a quarterly basis. In addition, the Section monitors domestic, regional and international economic developments with a view to advising policy direction and development strategies. Furthermore, the Section provides advice on issues relating to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Commonwealth, Southern African Custom Union and Southern African Development Community.
The Section is divided into three Units as follows:
o Plan Coordination
o Modeling and Research
o Multilateral Cooperation
Plan Coordination Unit
The Plan Coordination Unit is responsible for preparation of National Development Plans that usually run for a period of six years. Each Plan provides a comprehensive set of strategies, programmes as well as a projection of resources availability to facilitate implementation of projects for the duration of the Plan period. To produce a Plan that is multi-sectoral and inclusive, consultation with all stakeholders including communities and public structures has become an integral part of the Plan preparation processes. As a way of facilitating Plan implementation, the Unit coordinates preparation of annual Budget Speeches, delivered to the National Assembly at the beginning of each financial year. In order to assess progress and map the way forward in Plan implementation, the Unit coordinates preparation of Mid-Term reviews for the Plans. To complement the information provided in the Plans and Budget Speech, the Unit produces an Economic Bulletin every quarter to give analysis an overview of economic indicators.
Modeling and Research Unit
The Modeling and Research Unit is responsible for the production of macroeconomic forecasts, tracking macroeconomic indicators as well as providing an analysis of the impact of policy decisions. The Unit also develops and periodically updates forecasting tools. Currently there are five (5) major forecasting tools being developed, namely the; Computable Equilibrium Model (BotsMod), EViews econometric model (BQMOD), Financial Programming and Policy Framework (BotsFPP), and Medium Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF).
Multilateral Cooperation Unit
The Multilateral Unit is responsible for overall coordination of issues relating to regional and international cooperation within the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. The Unit provides advice and keeps management up-to-date with all policy issues relating to International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group and Commonwealth. The Unit also advises management of any available opportunities at these institutions (that Botswana could benefit from). In addition, the Unit keeps track of all developments in the global economy and advices management on any need for policy shift.
b). International Economic Policy Coordination (IEPC) Section
The mandate of the International Economic Policy Coordination (IEPC) Unit within the Division of Economic and Financial Policy is to mobilize funding for development projects from multilateral donor and financing agencies as well as coordinate activities of multilateral and regional organizations. The Unit also provides professional advice on international and regional cooperation between Botswana, International Community and regional organizations such as SADC, African Development Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Union, etc. The Unit is also responsible for building and sustaining partnerships with the Development Partners Coordination Forum facilitating and monitoring the implementation of aid commitments such as the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness to facilitate aid effectiveness in Botswana in order to reduce poverty. As the SADC National Contact Point (NCP) for Botswana, the Unit acts as the Secretariat of the SADC National Committee (SNC) and therefore coordinates and monitors the implementation of the SADC regional economic integration agenda at national level for Botswana.
c). Population and Development Section
The Section’s overall mandate is:
1) To coordinate implementation of the Revised National Population Policy and its instruments at national and district level;
2) To provide technical and administrative support including budgets and periodic work plans to the National Council on Population and Development and its advisory Sub-committees.
3) To make the necessary technical inputs to ensure effective integration of population dynamics into social and economic policies at national and district level.
4) To establish and strengthen mechanisms for coordinating the activities of agencies engaged in the area of population and development.
5) To establish and maintain an integrated population & development database in cooperation with the Statistics Botswana and other primary sources.
6) To monitor and evaluate implementation of population programmes, coordinate and support policy oriented research on population issues.
7) To coordinate the design and development of Information Education and Communication (IEC) strategy, advocacy activities and periodic publications in the area of population and development.
8) The Section in partnership with UNDP, facilitates implementation of the Government of Botswana United Nations Programme Operational Plan (GoB UNPOP) by providing Secretariat Services to its Programme Steering Committee (PSC). The GoB UNPOP operationalizes the “Delivering as One” approach which is a single UN programme operational plan aligned to national priorities and informed by UN programming principles.
9) The Section in partnership with UNDP facilitates implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).through the National Steering Committee on Sustainable Development Goals. The Committee comprises membership from all Government Ministries, Independent Departments, Civil Society, Private Sector, Academia, Trade Unions and the Media, and the PDC Section provides secretariat services to the Committee.
The PDC Section also operates at district level through two District Population Offices based in Chobe and Ghanzi Districts, which were established through partnership with UNFPA.
d). Human Resources Planning and Enterprise Development Policy Section
The Human Resources Planning and Enterprise Development Policy Section is charged with the overall responsibility for initiating, coordinating and assisting in the formulation, monitoring and implementation of the national employment creation strategies, citizen economic empowerment strategies, private sector development strategies and incomes and wages policies. The Section is also charged with monitoring performance of public enterprises and facilitating the implementation of the privatisation policy of Botswana. Further, the Section coordinates implementation of governance structures for public enterprises under the Ministry. The Section also co-ordinates the preparation of relevant sections for national development plans, annual economic reports and annual budget speeches on employment, private sector development, incomes and wages. Furthermore, the Section undertakes research activities on labour market issues, enterprise development and economic diversification. It monitors the implementation of the Revised National Policy on Incomes, Employment, Prices and Profits of 2005 (Revised Incomes Policy).
This Section is divided into two Units as follows:
o Employment Policy Unit
o Enterprise Development Policy Unit