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Administration and Training

Posted in Office of Accountant General

This unit is the administrative hub of the department. Some of the activities performed are as follows:

  • Provide advice and guidance on personnel and staff issues.
  • Preparation of Manpower estimates and maintenance of personnel and staff database both manually and on the infinium HR system.
  • Supervision and maintenance of the main and leave registers registries.
  • Maintenance of records relating recruitment, performance appraisals, resignations, retirements and death of personnel and staff.
  • Preparation of recommendations for promotions, transfers and acting appointments.
  • Preparation of casuality returns for personnel and staff.
  • Management of the department’s resources; i.e transport, residential and office accommodation, telephone management system e.t.c.

This Section comprises of two units, which are functionally related. Some of the activities performed by this unit are as follows: -

Accounting Unit

  • Preparation of the Recurrent Expenditure, Revenue and Development Budgets for the department.
  • Maintenance of the Recurrent Expenditure, Revenue and Development vote ledgers.
  • Monthly reconciliation of the respective votes ledgers with the computer printouts.
  • Maintenance of the Imprest ledgers and Personal Advances ledgers.

Supplies Unit

  • Procurement and custody of all consumables items for the department.
  • Establishment and maintenance inventory cards in each and every office of the department.
  • Periodic inspection of office supplies and inventories.

Training Unit

The objectives and functions of the unit are enumerated in details below:-

  • To ensure that the Training Unit in addition to selection of officers for further education and monitoring of logistics accompanying it, the Unit should also induct and train newly staff of the Accountant General to their respective duties.
  • To ensure that the Training Unit provides access for orientation, induction as well as training of some government officers who will be/are involved in the decentralization of payments of Goods and Services in Ministries and Departments countrywide.
  • To ensure that the staff of the Ministries and Departments who are currently assisted by existing Accounting Units (which are now the check points) should now go through orientation, induction and training provided by the Accountant General “Training Unit” and that this training should be vigorously done from zone to zone.
  • The unit will also be responsible to equip the above targeted groups (Ministries and Departments staff involved in preparation and payments of Goods and Services) in particular with the following:-
  • Correct documentation required in the preparation of every payment.
  • Correct allocation of costs into correct votes and the consequences of misallocations.
  • Importance of payments into the vote with enough funds and consequences of payments from accounts or votes without funds.
  • Importance of accurate ledger balances and consequences of incorrect and inaccurate ledger balances.
  • General ledger operation and its maintenance together with reconciliations.
  • Introduction of participants to know how to prepare budget.
  • This unit will co-ordinate functions of the unit with Ministries and Departments and ensure that all targeted officers receive the required training, induction and orientation they need before being posted and establishment of appropriate course contents relevant to each targeted group.
  • To arrange for relevant and appropriate staff from Ministries and Departments to receive inductions training and orientation and liaise with Ministries and Departments on training needs and to see that this training programme that are in place are implemented and followed and timeously disseminated to targeted groups.
  • To keep the Accountant General constantly briefed on developments pertaining to training and welfare of the Department regarding delivery of services to Ministries and Departments as well as the general public.
  • Planning and drafting of course contents relevant to each grade of officer who receive such training and drafting of time tables and supervision of seminars country-wide in liaison with institutions like Botswana Accountancy College and University of Botswana for negotiation of special contracts for specialised upgrading courses. Planning of seminars logistics and engaging of necessary facilitators for the given seminars as well as production of concise and narrative report on all seminars held.

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