Budget Time Table 2015/16
1 |
04 August 2014 |
Issuance of Call Circular on Indicative Ceilings to line Ministries. |
Savingram on ceilings | MFDP | |
2 |
15 August 2014 |
Preparation and finalization of the 2014 Budget Strategy Paper. |
Budget Stragety Paper | MFDP | |
3 |
15 August 2014 |
Priority areas submitted to PIC Force Secretariat by TWG Chairpersons |
Priorty areas | TWG Chaipersons | |
4 |
18 - 22 August 2014 |
Bilateral meetings with line ministries and parastatals to assess and agree on Parastatal baseline budget for 2015/16. |
Baseline Budget | MFDP and Line Ministries/Departments | |
5 |
25 -29 August 2014 |
Drafting and finalization on Cabinet Memorandum on indicative and manpower and financial ceilings. |
Draft Cab Memo | MFDP | |
6 |
28 August 2014 |
Pitso schedule announced to the public. |
Circular Savingram | MFDP | |
7 |
29 August 2014 |
(i) Permanent Secretariat MFDP to brief Performance Improvement Committee PIC on coming budget cycle.
(ii) PIC force considers priority areas by TWG chaipersons. |
PIC Force Briefing
Priority areas |
PIC Force Secretariat |
8 |
. 1 September 2014 |
Submission of Indicative Financial and Manpower Ceilings (Rec and Dev) to Cabinet. |
Indicative Manpower ad Financial Ceilings | MFDP | |
9 |
10 September 2014 |
Updated Macroeconomic Fiscal aggregates finalized for feeding into the Budget Speech. |
Updated Macroeconomic Fiscal aggregate table | MFDP | |
10 |
10 September 2014 |
Cabinet considers Cab Memo on 2015/16 Indicative Manpower and Financial Ceilings. |
Cab Memo on 2015/2016 Indicative Manpower Financial Ceilings | Cabinet | |
11 |
11 September 2014 |
Budget Call Circular with approved ceilings sent to TWGs and ministries. |
Budget Call Circular | MFDP | |
12 |
18-26 September 2014 |
Budget Pitso/Breakfast Seminars with various stakeholders |
Budget Pitso/Breakfast Seminars | MFDP | |
13 |
22-26 September 2014 |
Ministries meeting with Transport Establishment Review Committee (TERC) |
TERC | MTC | |
14 |
26 September 2014 |
Budget/Project Review Timetable Circular issued to ministries. | Budget/project review timetable Circular | MFDP | |
15 | 06 October 2014 |
(i) Submission of Ministerial Revenue and Expenditure Budget Estimates online (ii) Project appraisals for any new projects or budget variations for on going projects. (iii) Submission of TWG reports supporting Budget estimates by Ministry. |
TWG Report |
Line Ministries/Departments
TWGs |
16 | 13-30 October 2014 | Budget ( expenditure and review)/ Project Review meetings with Ministries. | Budget Estimates | Line Ministries/Departments | |
17 | 31 October 2014 |
Estimates Committee meetngs Timetable Circular issued |
Estimates Committee meetings Timetable Circular | MFDP | |
18 | 3 November 2014 | Submission of Sub Committee Reports to Estimates Committee | Reports | Chairpersons of Committees. | |
19 | 06 November 2014 | Briefing Estimates Commitee on Budget proposals for 2015/16 | Estimates Committee Briefing Meetings | Manpower, Project Review/ Expenditure Review, and Transport Establishment and Review Subcommittees. | |
20 | 10-14 November 2014 | Estimate Committee Meetings | Meetings | Estimates Committee and Line Ministries/ Departments | |
21 | 17-20 November 2014 | Drafting of Cab Memo on Budget Proposals | Cab Memo | MFDP | |
22 | 21 November 2014 | Briefing of Hon Minister and Ass. Minister on budget proposals for 2015/16 | Briefing | MFDP | |
23 | 24 November 2014 | Cab Memo on final budget proposals submitted to cabinet | Cab. Memo | MFDP | |
24 | 03 December 2014 | Cabinet considers budget proposals for 2015/2016 | Budget | Cabinet | |
25 | 12 December 2014 | Submission of 2015/2016 Draft Estimates of Expenditure from the Consolidated and Development Funds Books to Government printer. | Draft Estimates book | MFDP | |
26 | 15 December 2014 | Submission of Draft Appropriation and Supplementary | Draft Appropriation Bills | MFDP | |
27 | 29 December 2014 | Drafts Estimates Book Tabled at Parliament | Tabling of Estimates | Hon. Minister, MFDP | |
28 | 05 January 2015 | Draft Appropriation and Supplementary Appropriation Bills Submitted to Cabinet. | Draft Appropriation and Supplementary Appropriation Bills | Hon. Minister, MFDP | |
29 | 14 January 2015 | Discusssion of the Draft Appropriation and Supplementary Appropriation Bills by Cabinet. | Draft Appropriation and Supplementary Appropriation Bills | Cabinet | |
30 | 20 January 2015 | Submission of Final Draft Budget Speech to Cabinet. | Draft Budget Speech | MFDP | |
31 | 21 January 2015 | Discussion and Approval of the Final Draft Budget Speech by Cabinet. | Final Draft Budget Speech | Cabinet | |
32 | 21 January 2015 | Cabinet Approves Appropriation Bills. | Appropriation Bills | Cabinet | |
33 | 21 January 2015 | Approved Appropriation Bill submitted to Atttorney General. | Approved Appropriation Bill | MFDP | |
34 | 30 January 2015 |
Notices of Presentation of: (i) Appropriation Bill (ii) Financial Statements, Tables and Estimates of the Consolidated and Development Funds Revenues 2015/2016. |
Submission of Notices
35 |
02 Febrary 2015
(i) Tabling of Financial Statements Tables, and Estimates of the Consolidated and Development fund Revenues 2015/2016 (ii) Presentation of Appropriation Bill (First Reading) (iii) Second Reading of the Bill (Budget Speech) |
Budget Speech
Hon, Minister MFDP
36 | 04 - 19 February 2015 | Debate on Budget Speech (10 days, excluding clear days) | Debate on Budget Speech | Parliament | |
37 | 24 February 2015 | Commmittee of Supply (18 days excluding clear days) | Committee of Supply | Parliament | |
38 | 25 March 2015 | Day of Assent - Third Reading of Appropriation Bill. | Third Reading of Appropriation Bill. | Hon. Minister, MFDP | |
39 | 26 March 2015 | Signing of Appropriation Act. | Appropriation Act | HE, The President | |
40 | 27 March 2015 | Signing of General and Statutory Warrants. | Approved, Appropriation Bills | Hon. Minister, MFDP | |
41 | 30 March 2015 | Signing of Finance Warrants. | Finance Warrants | PS, MFDP | |
42 | 31 March 2015 | dispatch of Finance Warrants to Ministries 2015/2016 | Finance Warrants | MFDP | |
43 | 01 april 2015 | Printing of 2015/2016 Final Estimates Books | Final Estimates Books | MFDP |